I was born in Moscow, the former Soviet Union, in the year when my favorite childhood movie “The Sound of Music” won the Academy Award for Best Picture and construction of the Berlin Wall was nearly completed. Life on our side of that wall was pretty sketchy, to say the least. In November of 1989, just a few days after it fell, I found myself in East Berlin - on my way to freedom! After spending the first few months in Austria and then relocating to Italy, I landed in Atlanta, the place I now call home.
In my teenage years, math became one of my weakest links at school, I just couldn’t care less. I have loved reading all my life and was very passionate about Russian literature and language. I was crazy enough to tell my 10th grade math teacher that his subject was totally useless for it didn’t affect the human soul. So believe me, I know how frustrating staring at numbers can be. Then, I saw the light! I discovered the linguistic beauty of mathematics and how rewarding and enjoyable it can really be.
I love teaching and have been blessed with most wonderful students throughout the years. I am still a voracious reader and enjoy talking to kids about books. I also play several musical instruments and am a classical music buff.
That’s a little slice of my life’s story. It’s very nice to meet you!